EMDR Therapy in Nevada

The Differents is a treatment center offering EMDR therapy in Nevada.

EMDR Therapy in Nevada

If you’re looking for EMDR therapy, you want to ensure that you choose the right therapist and treatment center. The Differents is an outpatient luxury drug rehab and dual-diagnosis treatment center offering top-rated care. The mental health providers offering EMDR therapy in Nevada at our facility are highly experienced, trauma-informed, and trained to use practices that help you approach deep healing work confidently. 

What should you know if you’re exploring EMDR treatment? Let’s talk about what EMDR therapy is for and what to expect in an EMDR therapy session first. Then, we’ll go over how EMDR can support other elements of our dual-diagnosis programs.

The Differents rehab in Nevada

What is EMDR Therapy For?

EMDR was initially developed in the late 1980s for post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Since EMDR therapy emerged, many research studies have been published showing its efficacy for trauma. According to the US Department of Veterans Affairs’s National Center for PTSD, most people who complete weekly 50-90-minute EMDR sessions for 1-3 months will see a reduction in PTSD symptoms. EMDR therapy can be used for any type of traumatic event. This includes both singular traumatic events and ongoing or continuous trauma. 

Now, the use of EMDR therapy is expanding. While it is still most often used for trauma and trauma disorders like PTSD or Complex PTSD (C-PTSD), there’s also some research on EMDR therapy for conditions like anxiety and substance use disorders. 

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What to Expect in an EMDR Therapy Session

Short for “Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing,” EMDR therapy involves using bilateral stimulation to help reprocess traumatic memories. Bilateral means “both sides.” There are different types of bilateral stimulation, but as the name would suggest, eye movements are the most commonly used form of bilateral stimulation used in EMDR therapy. A therapist might use their fingers or lights, for example, to guide your eyes during EMDR. 

You won’t jump into the bilateral stimulation process right away. EMDR therapists should get to know you and work with you to cultivate a sense of safety first. EMDR therapy entails moving through eight specific phases to help clients get the most out of treatment. The phases of EMDR therapy include:

  • Phase 1: History taking, where a provider asks questions and works to gain an understanding of your experiences, memories, triggers, and goals. 
  • Phase 2: Preparation, which focuses on educating the client about EMDR and developing coping strategies to address triggers. This can help clients who are hesitant or nervous about undergoing EMDR.
  • Phase 3: Assessing the target memory, which involves activating the memory the client and therapist want to target and bringing it into your awareness.
  • Phase 4: Desensitization, where the client focuses on a traumatic event while the therapist guides your eyes with their fingers (or another mode of bilateral stimulation) until your level of distress lowers. 
  • Phase 5: Installation, where the therapist uses bilateral stimulation to help the client “install” positive beliefs. For example, a positive belief for a childhood trauma survivor could be, “I am an adult, and I am in a safe place now.” The therapist will continue using bilateral stimulation until you feel that the positive belief is more ingrained. 
  • Phase 6: Body scan, where the client notices how their body feels from head to toe (or vice versa) to see if any negative sensations emerge. If they do, the therapist will continue using bilateral stimulation until negative sensations dissipate to a more manageable level. 
  • Phase 7: Closure, where the client and therapist focus on helping the client return to a state of calm after bilateral stimulation. Remembering traumatic events can be heightening, so the goal of this stage is to help you return to the present and feel safe. 
  • Phase 8: Evaluating treatment results, which entails discussing your current level of distress and how your symptoms may have lessened or changed. If you are ready to move on to the next traumatic memory, you can. If not, you and your therapist can continue working on the current target memory. 

Phases 4-7 occur consecutively (one after another) during the bulk of EMDR sessions. EMDR can be an extremely valuable part of your treatment plan and is available to clients in all of our care levels. Throughout EMDR, you’ll use the subjective units of distress rating system to identify your distress level and communicate it to your therapist. The subjective units of distress rating system is a rating scale that allows clients to identify how distressed they are from their own point of view, with 0 being the least distressed and ten being the most distressed. 

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How EMDR Treatment Supports Our Programs

Research shows that dual-diagnosis treatment is ideal for those recovering from substance abuse and co-occurring mental health disorders like PTSD, leading to better recovery outcomes. Our programs offer EMDR therapy in Nevada in addition to a wide variety of other evidence-based treatments for addiction and dual-diagnosis disorders. Extensive holistic treatments are also offered to soothe the nervous system and help you feel your best. These treatments work together to create an effective, whole-person approach. 

We know that no two people overcoming addiction and dual diagnosis disorders are alike. All clients at The Differents collaborate with staff to build a personalized treatment plan, which will determine the specific treatments they engage in. Other therapies and services offered at The Differents include but aren’t limited to the following:

  • Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS)
  • Cognitive Processing Therapy (CPT)
  • Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)
  • Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT)
  • Internal Family Systems (IFS)
  • Motivational Interviewing (MI)
  • Meditation and Mindfulness
  • Chiropractic and Massage
  • Sports Medicine
  • Recreational Therapy
  • Private Training 
  • Yoga and Pilates
  • Acupuncture 
  • Art Therapy
  • Music Therapy
  • IV Infusions
  • Sound Bath

The Differents is anything but a typical treatment center. We know that it can be hard to seek help, especially with a history of trauma. As a trauma-informed addiction and dual-diagnosis treatment center offering EMDR therapy in Nevada, we are here to create a safe space and help you get the personalized care you deserve.

Learn More About EMDR Therapy at The Differents

The Differents is the #1 place to find EMDR therapy in Nevada. Learn more about how the specialized programs and treatments at our outpatient rehab can help you or your loved one looking for EMDR therapy today. To get in touch with The Differents and start the intake process, book a tour, or ask questions about our programs, call our admissions line or reach out to us online. All calls to The Differents are 100% confidential and free of cost.

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