Nevada Drug Intervention Services

Planning an intervention can be challenging. Find out how our intervention services can help.

Nevada Drug Intervention Services

The idea of holding an intervention for a loved one can be daunting. However, experiencing an intervention can be incredibly valuable for people with substance use disorders and their journey to recovery. Our Nevada drug intervention specialists will use their expertise to help you prepare for and stage an intervention. So, what should you know? 

The Differents is an addiction treatment center in Nevada that offers comprehensive care for those in need. Contact our admissions team today and learn more about how we are redefining rehab.

What is The Role of a Drug Intervention?

Research shows that drug interventions are effective and can lead to multiple positive outcomes. In fact, according to the Association of Intervention Specialists, drug interventions have a success rate of up to 90 percent. No matter what, drug interventions provide an opportunity for change – which is always necessary when it comes to addiction. 

Interventions can help a loved one:

  • See how their addiction affects others. 
  • Understand that their addiction is a problem.
  • Get to a place where they want and benefit from treatment. For families and people living with substance use disorders alike, another benefit of a professional drug intervention is that it can help you stop enabling a loved one. For example, families might set boundaries during an intervention (e.g., “I can no longer support you financially if you do not want help”).
There is a solution.
There is hope.
There is The Differents.

Reno Drug Interventions Through The Differents

The Differents is a luxury drug and alcohol rehab center in Reno, Nevada. We have expert-level interventionists who will guide your family through the intervention process step-by-step. 

First, we will go over the intervention process and what to expect. You may have concerns or fears regarding the intervention process. Our drug interventionists in Nevada will get to know your family and others who will participate in the intervention process, discuss the best way to approach an intervention for your loved one as a unique individual, and answer your questions. 

Then, we will work with your family to create a plan for the intervention. Families and friends of people with substance use disorders often wonder what to say and what to avoid during an intervention, which is part of how an interventionist can help. Our interventionists are experienced and can help you decide what to say ahead of time. 

Finally, we will be there to facilitate and help you navigate the intervention with your loved one on the day it is held. Having a trained drug intervention specialist there matters because they are a neutral third party who can help put you and others in your loved one’s life at ease. Our interventionists will be there for you after the intervention, too.

If you have any questions about how our Nevada drug intervention services work, call The Differents at (844) 699-6148.

We are here to make a difference. Request a confidential callback from our team right now.

Five Tips for Staging a Successful Intervention

One of the things you’ll discuss with our Nevada drug intervention specialists is how to stage an intervention successfully. Here are five tips for a successful intervention to consider as you start planning an intervention for your loved one.

1. Hire a professional drug interventionist. 

Having a professional drug interventionist is crucial for many reasons. Not only can they help you prepare what to say, answer your questions, walk you through the emotional process of an intervention, and use the best practices during the intervention itself, but they will be there for you to help you navigate the outcome of the intervention. Interventionists have seen it all and can be a vital emotional support for families and loved ones. 

2. Prepare what to say during the intervention in advance.

It’s important that everyone attending the intervention knows what to say in advance. Prepare statements ahead of time. Throughout the intervention process and your loved one’s recovery process alike, it is crucial to focus on love and compassion. Interventions are not meant to criticize a loved one. Affection, kindness, and believing in your loved one are what matters. 

3. Choose attendees wisely. 

Usually, an intervention will consist of 4-6 loved ones and a professional drug interventionist. Loved ones may include anyone close to the person with an addiction, such as parents, friends, siblings, or romantic partners. Choose participants wisely, thinking of who your loved one respects most. Limit the intervention to no more than six participants.

4. Stay calm during the intervention. 

It’s vital to stay calm and keep your guard down during an intervention. Sometimes, a person with an addiction will feel as though loved ones are ganging up on them or have betrayed them at first. Your job is to express love and care for your loved one. 

Note that a drug interventionist will help you prepare for all possible outcomes. Even an intervention that isn’t well-received by a loved one right away is not the end and can be a critical step in the right direction. 

5. Secure a placement at a rehab center for your loved one. 

Often, the most ideal outcome of an intervention is that your loved one gets help. Before the intervention occurs, you need to secure a placement at a drug and alcohol treatment center for your loved one so that they will have a place to go for addiction treatment if they agree to do so.

Getting Help for Addiction at The Differents

If your loved one makes the choice to get treatment, there’s no better place than The Differents. Learning about our treatment programs and what sets us apart from other treatment centers can help. Most clients will need to enter a medical detox program post-intervention, which will help them get off of drugs and alcohol safely. After that, they’ll transfer to our inpatient drug rehab program or another program at The Differents.

The Differents offers a full continuum of care. In other words, we have inpatient rehab, partial hospitalization, intensive outpatient, and outpatient programs. Each level of care may be more or less suitable for a client, depending on their current symptoms, living situation, and overall treatment needs. For example, your loved one might start with a higher level of care, such as inpatient treatment, and move down to outpatient treatment when they’re ready.

Among everything else that sets The Differents apart, our luxury addiction treatment center offers: 

  • Evidence-based therapies and treatments for substance abuse and co-occurring disorders. We address the physical, mental, and emotional aspects of addiction.
  • An extensive range of restorative recreation and skill-building opportunities for clients to choose from. For example, basketball with private coaching, fitness, 3D printing, art, Jiujitsu, and yoga. 
  • Outdoor activities. These include but are not limited to hiking, skiing, snowboarding, paddleboarding, kayaking, and fishing. 
  • A luxury spa, complete with massage, manicure, pedicure, and facial services. 
  • Nutritious meals and wellness services. 

As your loved one prepares to exit treatment, we’ll help them build a relapse prevention plan. After treatment, they’ll have access to our alumni support program. Just like we’re here for your family throughout the intervention process, we’re here to work closely with your loved one and help them rebuild their life. Remember that while it takes time, healing from addiction is more than possible.

Unlock your potential and leave addiction in the past.

Contact Our Drug Interventionists in Nevada Today

Connect with us to learn more about Nevada drug intervention services or treatment at The Differents today. To get in touch, call our admissions line at (844) 699-6148 or complete the contact form on our website. Our staff members are here to verify insurance coverage for treatment, book a tour, or help out with anything else we can.