A Rehab Renaissance

Addiction is a complex problem, and approaches to rehab have evolved considerably in recent years. At The Differents, we offer integrated care and innovative approaches with emerging technologies to help individuals find meaningful life beyond addiction. If you or a loved one is struggling with addiction, you might feel lost as to what to do. We want you to know there is hope, and there are solutions. However, there are several approaches to drug and alcohol rehab that are no longer considered effective. We want to identify some of these outdated approaches first, then share how we offer a new kind of rehab that leads to more successful outcomes. Outdated approach #1: Cold turkey detox This involves abruptly stopping drug or alcohol use without any medical assistance or support. This approach can be dangerous and ineffective, as withdrawal symptoms can be severe and even life-threatening. Outdated approach #2: Confrontational interventions Interventions were once thought to be lifesaving actions, and, even if you have never participated in one, you have probably seen them depicted in movies or TV. This approach involves confronting the individual about their addiction, often with family members and friends sharing how hurt they have been in the process. However, this approach is no longer recommended as it can often lead to feelings of anger and defensiveness in the person at the center of the intervention, which can make it harder for that individual to want to get help. There’s also a sort of catch-22 with interventions. They only work if an individual desires to get sober, but if they desire to get sober then they don’t need the intervention. Outdated approach #3: Boot camp-style programs These programs involve strict and often harsh discipline and punishment for drug and alcohol use. While they may work for some people, they can also be traumatizing and have negative long-term effects on mental health and self-esteem, especially in teenagers and young adults. Addiction is punishment enough, and those suffering from it don’t need additional pain. Outdated approach #4: One-size-fits-all treatment plans Treatment plans that do not take into account an individual’s unique needs and circumstances are often not effective. Everyone’s journey to recovery is different, and treatment plans must be tailored to meet the specific needs of each person. Because of this, it’s necessary to truly get to know the person struggling with addiction so that an effective treatment plan can be designed. Outdated approach #5: Outpatient-only treatment While outpatient treatment can be effective for some individuals, it may not be enough for those with more severe addictions. In this case, inpatient or residential treatment may be necessary for people with more complex or severe addiction issues. What Makes Us Different We have created a recovery habitat where people are treated like people. Our holistic approach takes into account the internal and external causes of addiction, with treatment plans that are customized to each individual. Here are some of the key features of our approach: Withdrawal Management, Not Cold Turkey As opposed to the cold turkey method, we offer a concierge detox program that helps manage withdrawal symptoms in a safe, comfortable environment. There isn’t a cold, sterile detox room on our property, and our clinicians are selective in their use of pharmaceuticals. We do whatever we can to ensure that those in our care are able to rest and get the appropriate pharmacological, nutritional, and relational support. Human Connection, Not Intervention At The Differents, we do not engage in confrontational or boot camp-style “tough love”. Our approach emphasizes the role of human connection because we’re all seeking to feel seen and heard, especially through the difficult times. Shame, guilt, and fear are not effective motivators for change. Addiction, research shows, is not purely a matter of the will. There are a host of contributing factors that lead people to turn to drugs or alcohol. Our approach is to treat the whole person, identifying contributing factors to addiction, including underlying medical issues. We also teach individuals to identify their body’s patterns and sensations because “If you can’t recognize it, you can’t change it.” Personalized Treatment Plans Since there is no one-size-fits all recovery program, we focus on identifying individual needs to create plans that are specially designed for each person. We engage in collaborative healing, involving those in recovery in designing their treatment plans. This is possible because we provide a 1:3 staff:client ratio, so individuals get the personalized care they need. Residential Inpatient Living And because certain individuals need inpatient, residential living to detox and reset their minds, bodies, and souls, we offer luxury, private accommodations surrounded by natural beauty. While staying with us, we help individuals reignite their passion, renew their bodies, and rediscover their purpose. While engaging in our treatment programs, we foster creative and spiritual exploration, helping people find who they really are, even if it’s been buried deep down. This process helps kickstart a new life beyond addiction. Aftercare Our work doesn’t end when a person leaves our treatment center. We also extend our care beyond rehab. We’re there on the other side, helping keep people from falling into old habits, assisting in finding jobs, getting connected, and establishing new rhythms of life. In other words, we help people find lives of purpose and meaning. Because, when it comes to recovery, it’s not about what you’re running from, it’s what you’re running towards.

Finding Meaning in Life

When it comes to recovery, it’s not about what we’re running from—it’s what we’re running towards. We all need to find our “why”; the thing that gets us out of bed in the morning, the thing we’ll fight for, the thing that makes us feel alive. Without a why, there is no hope for sustained recovery from drug and alcohol abuse. Finding meaning in life is a subjective experience. There is no one-size-fits-all answer, so it’s up to each individual to discover their own beliefs, values, and purpose in life. We have to discover this for ourselves. At The Differents, we’re a collection of people who found our true selves after shedding our personas, rewriting the stories of our lives given to us by others, and emerging from addiction with restored dignity and a newfound vision for life. Part of our treatment program is to help people envision life on the other side of rehab—to find their meaning—so they can leave rehab on a journey toward becoming who they were truly meant to be. The Various Forms of Meaning There are many different ways that people find meaning in life. Here are some of the common pursuits that help individuals find a deep sense of satisfaction and purpose. Pursuing passions and interests Many people find meaning in life by engaging in activities that they are passionate about, such as hobbies, sports, or creative pursuits. Whether it’s painting, pickleball, video games—the list is endless—pursuing passion produces a strong sense of “why.” Helping others/Making a difference Contributing to society or making a positive impact in the world can provide a sense of purpose and meaning. Helping others through volunteering, charity work, or simply being kind and supportive can provide a deep sense of purpose and fulfillment. Developing meaningful relationships Building deep and meaningful relationships with family, friends, or romantic partners can give a sense of connection and belonging. And maintaining loving relationships with others is a strong motivator for overcoming addiction. Finding spirituality Spirituality involves the feeling or belief that there is something greater than myself, something more to being human than sensory experience, and that the greater whole of which we are part is cosmic or divine in nature. Exploring your spirituality through meditation, prayer, or other practices can provide a sense of purpose and inner peace that empowers recovery. Accomplishing goals Whether it’s finishing a triathlon, writing a novel, or traveling to a new country, setting and achieving personal and/or professional goals can give a sense of accomplishment and fulfillment that leads to sustained recovery. Strategies for Finding Meaning in Life Ultimately, the key to finding meaning in life is to explore your interests, values, and beliefs, and to find activities and pursuits that align with those important areas. If you’re struggling to find meaning and purpose in your life, here are a few tips that may be helpful: Reflect on your values Take some time to think about what is most important to you. What values do you hold dear? What kind of person do you want to be? Self-awareness is the first step towards a meaningful life. Explore your interests Think about what activities or hobbies bring you joy and fulfillment. You can also try new things and explore new interests to find what resonates with you. Set goals Identify some short- and long-term goals that align with your values and interests. Having specific goals can give you direction and motivation. Find ways to help others Whether it’s at a homeless shelter, church, school, or a personal relationship, taking the step to volunteer or help others in some way can kickstart a sense of purpose and fulfillment. Build meaningful relationships Invest in relationships with people who share your values and interests. These relationships can provide support and a sense of connection. Seek guidance Consider talking to a therapist or counselor who can help you explore your thoughts and feelings and guide you towards finding meaning and purpose in your life. With You on Your Journey There’s an important point we want to close with: finding meaning and purpose is a journey, not a destination. This process takes time, effort, and self-reflection, but the rewards can be life-changing. At The Differents, we’re there on the other side, helping keep people from falling into old habits, assisting in finding jobs, getting connected, and establishing new rhythms of life. In other words, we help people find their meaning. We’ve traveled these waters ourselves, and we are passionate about helping people find their “why”. Getting clean is only the beginning. But then what? It’s not about what we’re running from, especially addiction. It’s about what we’re running towards. What is the meaning of your life? Whose story are you going to start living? Those are the questions The Differents are here to help you answer.