The Importance of Finding Professional Drug Interventionists

A professional interventionist talks to family members to help plan an intervention.

A drug intervention is an opportunity for family members to confront a loved one about their addiction, to explain the ways in which addiction has impacted each member of the family, and to ask their loved one to get support. These can be very challenging things to plan, especially because of the emotional difficulties involved. For that reason, many families decide to work with a professional drug interventionist, someone who helps them plan the intervention and facilitate the intervention.  Why You Need Professional Drug Interventionists Deciding to confront a family member is a very difficult decision, and it can be fraught with challenging emotions. Sometimes family members don’t know where to begin, they aren’t sure how to collect their thoughts and put them down on paper, or they just need someone else there to act as a mediator. Preparations It’s not uncommon for people in close relationships to predict how their loved ones might react and subconsciously become defensive or harbor annoyance or anger in response to these predictions. Many of these traits are small and subconscious, so family members don’t realize that their tone might change as soon as their loved one makes a certain face, but a professional drug interventionist can help family members be more aware of these subconscious changes and put them to the side during the intervention. In this way, finding professional drug interventionists can help you with all of the preparations.  Location Professional drug interventionists might also offer alternative locations. It’s important that the location where you have your intervention be on neutral ground so that it doesn’t prompt unnecessary emotional reactions. When you find a professional drug interventionist, they can typically provide a third-party location like their office or another community location where you can hold your intervention. Mediation Another reason why finding a professional drug interventionist can be beneficial for family members is the simple mediation that they provide. Someone who is struggling with addiction might be slightly more respectful of a third-party professional who is facilitating the discussion and mediating responses to a small degree. Finding Professional Drug Interventionists Finding professional drug interventionists might seem difficult; however, there are plenty of qualified treatment centers that also offer drug interventionist services directly or can connect you to third-party services that are highly qualified and vetted. Once you have a list of potential contenders, feel free to reach out about consultations, to go over how they would offer support for your family and planning the intervention, what they might offer in terms of location, and the overall price and availability. If a particular drug interventionist works with a treatment center they will be able to answer questions about treatment in a more informative way than you or your family might be able to. They can also help guide your loved one toward their treatment if they make the decision to seek help. Having the Right Treatment Center When you plan an intervention, one of the most important and often overlooked steps is to have a luxury addiction treatment center on hand and ready to accept your loved one for treatment if they decide to move forward. You want to be able to capitalize on the momentum your loved one has if they agree to get help. The best way to do that is to have a facility where they can go immediately to start their program. With The Differents, our facility is one with flexible schedules and a wide range of effective therapies. We want your loved ones to be comfortable, which is why we provide luxury amenities throughout their stay with access to trained professionals who can not only provide insight into how addiction works but what type of life skills and coping mechanisms will be most important moving forward. Overall, finding a professional drug interventionist can take a lot of the burden off families who are trying to intervene in addiction for a loved one. The right type of interventionist will be able to offer support in planning the intervention, deciding on the location, and facilitating the discussion when the time comes. Most important, of course, is to have the right treatment center ready and available if your loved one seeks help. Contact our team today to learn more about our treatment programs.

How to Do a Drug Intervention

If someone close to you is struggling with addiction, one of the ways you can offer support is to learn how to hold a drug intervention. A drug intervention is an opportunity for loved ones to come together and express the ways in which addiction has affected them and the reasons why they love and support their friend or family member and want the best for them, including professional treatment. There are several steps to take to hold a successful drug intervention.  Decide on Participants One of the most important steps when figuring out how to hold a drug intervention is deciding on who will be there. Not every family member or close friend has to be in attendance. In fact, you need to pay particular attention to the relationship between the person for whom the intervention is being held and the people who are participating. For example: It is important to decide on the participants based on their positive relationship with the person for whom the intervention is planned. Don’t plan to bring people who don’t have a good relationship or people your loved one doesn’t trust, even if they are direct relatives. Write What to Say The next step is figuring out what you want to say. An intervention should not be a spontaneous event. Rather, everyone who has been invited to participate should write down what it is they want to say to their loved one. Don’t be afraid to share the things you write with someone else who will attend the intervention as well, giving one another a chance to review or edit where necessary. Practice  Additionally, you’ll want to practice with everyone. Figuring out how to do a drug intervention takes practice and rehearsal, especially when it comes to reading important and intimate information that might elicit an emotional response. Find a Location and Time Find a good location and a time for the actual intervention. This step should come after everyone has been invited and written what they want to say. You want to be as prepared as possible for the intervention. The location you choose might work more effectively if it’s someplace neutral, a location that your loved one may or may not be familiar with but wouldn’t be apprehensive about visiting. The time you choose should work for everyone, including the person for whom you are staging the intervention. If possible, you want them to be sober during the intervention, and it might take a while to find a time frame that works for everyone. In many cases, going to a third-party location like a doctor’s office or a professional interventionist can be useful in encouraging openness and attendance for everyone. Work with a Professional The Differents is a trusted drug rehab in Reno and can help you learn how to hold a drug intervention. We can even offer locations that are neutral and more suitable to your intervention needs. One of the most important parts of an intervention is having a location for treatment available in case your loved one decides to move forward.  At The Differents, we offer clients several outpatient programs for Reno substance abuse treatment at a stunning location nestled in the Sierra Nevada mountains. With our programs, you can present your loved one with several viable options if they decide to pursue treatment at the end of an intervention. Calling our team gives you a chance to ask questions about our programs and how to do a drug intervention properly. We work with you to verify insurance so that you know, if your loved one agrees to get help at the end of your intervention, you have a place set up and ready for them right away. Overall, figuring out how to hold a drug intervention might seem overwhelming at first, but there are several resources that make it easier, such as working with a professional and practicing ahead of time what you want to say. If you are ready to learn more about interventions and our outpatient programs, call the team at our luxury drug rehab in Nevada today.